Reserve seining field trips in Sept-Oct

Reserve seining field trips in Sept-Oct


Connecting as a community.


CEED holds events throughout the year to welcome people of all ages to our preserved land, raise environmental awareness and raise funds that help CEED grow as a community resource for connecting people to nature. Our pow-wow inspired Summer Solstice Nature Festival in June has become an annual highlight in the community, featuring traditional Native American cultural performers and vendors. Other past events have included the Solstice Farm Brunch with Isabella Rossellini, Bike4Nature, CEED & Soil Sale, Annual Benefit Luncheon and Volunteer Appreciation BBQ.  We also attend many other events throughout Long Island.

We always welcome volunteers, participants, and supporters at our events. If you are interested in volunteering at events for/with CEED, please email 

Please look at our Calendar for upcoming event information. For more information on how to get involved with CEED events, please email

The latest events news…

How to Make Survival Ropes

How to Make Survival Ropes

Saturday, July 20, 2024, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM Join Ranger Eric for the 7th of 10 adventures on survival. The seventh workshop in the survival series is about Cordage. Dive into the art of crafting cords, strings, and ropes, and discover how these essential elements...

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