Reserve seining field trips in Sept-Oct

Reserve seining field trips in Sept-Oct


Sponsorship Opportunities

Sculpture on the Trail is a free community event where the public has the opportunity to discover world-class sculpture works along our trails and participate in a community sculpture. We also invite poets to reflect on the sculpture and share their poetry during a public poetry reading. There will also be a reception, with opportunities to meet artists and poets while listening to the incredible jazz band “Natural Causes.”

Our first Sculpture on the Trail in 2022 was a huge success, and this year’s will be bigger and better.  Our sponsors will gain positive recognition among our visitors at this unique Art & Nature event!  Contact Sally at for more information.


Sponsors donations support the flyers and program pamphlet. Benefits- Sponsor would be
listed In all print materials for the event, can leave cards and business pamphlets at the welcome table, and will be publicly acknowledged at the event and on our website.


Sponsors donations support the poets participation. Benefits- Sponsor would have all
the Goldenrod benefits as well as public acknowledgement when introducing the poetry reading. A small logo can be placed on the banner.

RED CEDAR $1,200

Sponsors donations support the music at the event. Benefits- Sponsor would have all the same benefits as the Goldenrod benefits, as well as publicly announcing sponsorship when
introducing the music. A medium-sized logo will be placed on the banner.


Sponsors donation supports the event and community sculpture as the primary sponsor.
Benefits- Sponsor would have all the same benefits as the Goldenrod benefits, as well as publicly announcing sponsorship when introducing the music. Logo and name will be prominently placed on the banner and also on signage for the community sculpture.


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