Reserve seining field trips in Sept-Oct

Reserve seining field trips in Sept-Oct

Sustainable Self and Planet Mindfulness

Adult, Community Programs, Events, Nature Center, Nature Health


Gain greater physical, emotional, and mental wellness through the healing and sustaining power of nature at our Sustainable Self and Planet Mindfulness session. For an hour and a half, you will be guided through nature-based mindfulness.

This four session series will focus on the intersection between our personal wellness and the health of the planet. During each session you will be guided through nature-based mindfulness practices to connect with nature and contemplate our relationship to building a more sustainable world. Sessions will consist of experiential components and group discussion. To grow their practice between meetings, participants will receive a workbook ($18) entitled, Ecotherapy Workbook: Guided Practices for a Sustainable Self and Planet. All are welcome. No mindfulness experience required. Sign up for all four sessions and receive the workbook for free!

Sessions: 5/20/23, 7/22/23, 11/4/23, 2/10/24.

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