Reserve seining field trips in Sept-Oct

Reserve seining field trips in Sept-Oct

Summer Nature Experience  2021
JULY 12 – AUGUST  13

What a Summer of Fun!

The beach, the creek, the farm, the woods, the pollinator garden; we were everywhere! There is so much nature to be explored in Brookhaven and we went to every place at Post Morrow, the Washington Lodge, and Mama Farm that we could to explore.

Thinking back, we did so much, but most importantly made some great friendships! Every day was a new adventure and we found science in everything we did! While painting fish for Gyotaku printing, we learned about fish anatomy. While in the woods, we built shelters and learned what types of trees have stronger wood. We learned that insects and other bugs come in all shapes in sizes! Some of us thought they were all cool and other of us not so much. But we did learn how they have adapted to survive. At the farm, we learned there are many vegetables other than broccoli and carrots, and who would have thought that chickens can come in so many shapes, sizes, and colors? And they all get along, just like us!


Summer Nature Experience is Available for children in grades 1-7.

Our Leadership Program is for children in Grades 8 -11.


July 2022-August 2022

Registration will open in February!


CEED: The Center for Environmental Education and Discovery

287 South Country Road Brookhaven, NY 11719