Reserve seining field trips in Sept-Oct

Reserve seining field trips in Sept-Oct

35 Hours a Week Outdoors for Your Teen!

Children, Community Programs, Summer Nature Experience

CEED’s Summer Leadership and Conservation Program is designed to help develop our future leaders and conservationists. It also gets young people outdoors for seven hours a day, five days a week.  And all the evidence shows that’s good for their development and their outlook on life.

This program has two sessions, a three-week session beginning on July 11, and a two-week session beginning on August 1.  The young people will be team building, exploring, and learning outdoors.  They’ll lead CEED’s younger participants on hikes, science activities, explorations of the marine environment, and more.

All participants receive a Leadership Certificate. This is a great way to gain experience in leadership for future careers in science, conservation, policy, or education. And participating teens get a “STAFF” Summer Nature Experience t-shirt.

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