Reserve seining field trips in Sept-Oct

Reserve seining field trips in Sept-Oct

Adventure Awaits!

It is still possible to register for any or all of CEED’s Summer Nature Adventure Camp weeks 4-8, July 24 through August 25. Weeks two and three were maxed out, however, so if you want to ensure that your child has a spot in this outdoor adventure, including kayaking, don’t delay.  Use the button below, or email if you have questions.

We’re almost halfway through the summer, but there’s still time …

Kayaks and Beach Day

One of the wonderful advantages of our merger with the Carmans  CEED Nature Adventure Camp is that we’ll be including kayaking on the Carmans River. Add that to Beach Day in weeks 2-4, Farm and Nature camp during weeks 5 and 6, and a Science and Engineering focus in weeks 7 and 8, and it’s clear there is something to make every child fall in love with nature and being outdoors. Camp begins on July 3rd, and goes all the way through August 25th.

Here are three short videos that show what CEED’s summer camp is like:

No matter which week you choose, you can count on your child coming home tired, maybe a little dirty, and full of stories about the wonders of nature. Many weeks book completely, so don’t delay.

  • If you would like to help sponsor a child who couldn’t otherwise afford this program, email And thank you!
  • As sessions fill, you can be added to our waiting list by calling 631-803-6780 or emailing
  • We are also offering aftercare from 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. for families who need that. Email for more information.
Anyone can volunteer. Even you!