Reserve seining field trips in Sept-Oct

Reserve seining field trips in Sept-Oct

Unique Memories for Nature Kids at CEED

Unique Memories for Nature Kids at CEED

Unique Memories for Nature Kids at CEED

Out of ideas for gifts for the children in your life? How about a CEED gift certificate for programs that children will remember, and that just might change their lives by moving them towards a love of nature:

Zoom with Ranger Eric and his Pals – your favorite family can chat with Ranger Eric and his animal ambassadors for an hour. Ask every crazy question that comes to mind.  Great for birthdays, or just for fun – $350/Zoom meet

Nature of Science – innovative outdoor science education for homeschoolers, and remote students who can benefit from COVID-safe outdoor education with outstanding science teachers.  $250 for five week program, 2 hour class every Wednesday at CEED.

Spring Break Nature ExperienceNew for 2021! We’re in the planning stages of a one week nature camp for Spring Break, March 29-April 2.  Sure to sell out.  Reserve your spot now – $450/week

Summer Nature Experience – CEED’s Summer Nature Experience becomes more popular each year.  Filled completely in 2020!  Reserve a spot for your favorite child now – $450/week

Fill out the form below to give one of these special events – and special memories – to a child in your life.  Spring Break Nature Experience and Summer Nature Experience reservations will be fully refunded if the events are cancelled.

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Get Ready for CEED’s Nature of Science: Session Three!

Get Ready for CEED’s Nature of Science: Session Three!

Get Ready for CEED’s Nature of Science: Session Three!

Are you looking for an enriching and healthy way for your child to learn? The third session of our successful Nature of Science program begins January 13. Our program immerses your child into interactive science developed by experienced educators and scientists. Most of our lessons are implemented outdoors in our natural classroom. Every class is designed with the foundations of our New York State Learning Standards in mind. Our children wonder, explore, investigate, design and experiment. Our programs not only help our children become scientific thinkers. We also cultivate collaborative work, scientific communication, scientific expression, and problem-solving techniques. Our goal is to provide children the springboard to be our movers and shakers of now and the future.

The theme for Session Three is Winter Science. Children will learn and explore different ways and adaptations plants and animals use and have to survive winter, glacial geology, snow, ice and more. Register early to guarantee a spot! With only one section, we may close out.

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Will You Help CEED Close 2020 Strong?

Will You Help CEED Close 2020 Strong?

Will You Help CEED Close 2020 Strong?

Dear Friend of CEED,
We’re trying to raise $15,000 from friends like you before the end of 2020.

During this difficult year, so many have found comfort and inspiration in nature. That mind and body health we get from the outdoors is central to CEED’s mission.

Thanks to friends like you, we have survived this year and even made progress, with new and expanded programs. But as a young organization, CEED doesn’t have deep reserves.

Please help us close out this year on a strong note so we can do even more to serve our community and help heal the Earth in 2021. Your gift today can help us reach our $15,000 goal by Dec. 2021. Thank you so much!


Sally Wellinger
Executive Director

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How YOU Helped CEED Thrive in 2020

How YOU Helped CEED Thrive in 2020

How YOU Helped CEED Thrive in 2020

Dear Friend,
I never imagined CEED would be tested by a pandemic shutdown in 2020! I hope you and your loved ones are getting through this difficult time. What could have been a disaster for CEED turned into some amazing innovations, and I’m so grateful to you and all our friends.
When the pandemic shut down schools, it upended our 2020 budget, which was based on a host of school programs in April, May, and June.
We re-invented our Summer Nature Experience with COVID19 rules. And sold out all three weeks!!
To help students doing virtual and hybrid school models this fall, we designed the Nature of Science series. Watching kids get wet and dirty doing hands-on science outdoors reminded me of how I grew up, and why I fell in love with nature. What fun!
Thanks to volunteers and supporters, we made progress restoring the Washington Lodge and our grounds. We repaired some of the electrical system, created a public bathroom, and removed invasive plants.
One of 2020’s biggest developments is that the CEED Board hired Sally Wellinger as our first professional Executive Director. This is huge!
Sally has a deep commitment to outdoor education, and at a time when so many nonprofit organizations are struggling to survive, her leadership is moving CEED forward. She is stepping into the role of my co-founder, Rebecca Muellers. We are all so grateful to Rebecca for all she has done to help CEED thrive. Of course, continuing to thrive in a pandemic is a huge challenge. I’m writing today to ask if you can help again.
One major need is for funds to renovate what we call Great Hall West, one of the two large first floor rooms in the Washington Lodge. We need to install a fire protection system, repair walls and floors. Then we’ll finally be able to open the Lodge to the public!! We could teach classes, welcome field trips, hold meetings with volunteers … year-round!
I hope you can see how hard we’re working to serve our community. If you can help with a generous donation, I would be so grateful!
Ranger Eric Powers
Wildlife Biologist, Program & Site Director

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