Reserve seining field trips in Sept-Oct

Reserve seining field trips in Sept-Oct

Sally Moves to Full-Time Executive Director at CEED!

Sally Moves to Full-Time Executive Director at CEED!

Sally Moves to Full-Time Executive Director at CEED!

As Chair of the Board of Directors of CEED, I’m happy to announce that Sally Wellinger, our part-time Executive Director, will expand her role to full-time as of tomorrow, July 1.

In the spring of 2020, the Board planned to hire a full-time executive director to lead CEED in a new phase of program development and renovation of the Washington Lodge. Those plans were disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, but through the dedication and creativity of our staff, the Board, and our many wonderful volunteers, CEED weathered the storm, and we can now return to the original plan for a full-time professional executive director.

Sally has done a remarkable job in her first year with CEED, despite her part-time status, and the Board is excited to see progress in so many areas – from virtual programming for schools to expanded spring and summer in-person nature experiences for children. Her dedication to the mission and vision of CEED is amazing.

Please join me in congratulating Sally. And please continue to support her and CEED in whatever ways you can as we work to become a community resource for environmental education and nature discovery in our region. Thank you!

– Tom Pelletier, Board Chair

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Growing in Leadership … Outdoors!

Growing in Leadership … Outdoors!

Growing in Leadership … Outdoors!

CEED’s unique leadership experience for youth grades 8-11.

The wonders of nature, and the inspiration of saving the planet help develop people skills and environmental awareness in your leaders-to-be.


The Center for Environmental Education and Discovery (CEED) has developed an innovative program to help young people develop confidence, understanding of others, and decision-making abilities, while learning about the environment and how to share new knowledge with younger people.

Taught by experienced outdoor educators, CEED’s Leadership Training program goes beyond traditional camp counselor in training (CIT) programs. Teamwork, communication, and problem solving are all done outdoors, in nature. This fosters well-being, renewed spirit, and confidence, and leads to a Leadership Training Certificate.

Session 1 is three weeks long, focused on Long Island’s local ecosystems. July 12-30. 8:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. $900

Session 2 is two weeks long, focused on the intersection of farming and nature. August 02-13. 8:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. $600

CEED’s summer experiences for children in grades 1-7 have gained acclaim from Montauk to Manhattan. Our Leadership Training program builds on the same philosophies to get young people outdoors, growing as they learn.

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Save the Date for Summer Solstice Nature Festival 2021!

Save the Date for Summer Solstice Nature Festival 2021!

Save the Date for Summer Solstice Nature Festival 2021!

Our annual FREE family-friendly celebration recognizing Indigenous Peoples and our native plants and animals on the longest day of the year.

• Music and entertainment throughout the festival
• Native American dancers, music, and storytellers
• Vendors – natural products, environmental solutions, and more
• Animal Ambassadors
• Food trucks
• Live Music
• Nature trails

This event and publication is fully or partially funded by the County of Suffolk.

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