Reserve seining field trips in Sept-Oct

Reserve seining field trips in Sept-Oct

Forest Bathing and Eco-Mindfulness Walks with Linda Lombardo at CEED

Forest Bathing and Eco-Mindfulness Walks with Linda Lombardo at CEED

Forest Bathing and Eco-Mindfulness Walks with Linda Lombardo at CEED

This is the perfect month to to connect back with nature.  There are many different ways we can do that. On our own, we can just take the time to enjoy nature in a way that works for ourselves.  It might be taking a walk in a local preserve, walking along the beach, or maybe just sitting in our backyard on a sunny, crisp fall day.

Two other ways that have become increasingly popular for Long Islanders to connect with nature are forest “bathing” and eco-mindfulness walks.  They seem similar but are quite different.

Forest “Bathing”

Forest bathing is a method developed in Japan called shinrin-yoku in the 1980’s as a way to provide a way to alleviate tech-burnout. It is a method of embracing how our natural world can help improve human health.  In forest bathing, participants follow a structured method of using all five senses to experience nature.

Eco-Mindfulness Walks

Eco-mindfulness is a way to engage with nature through a process of ecotherapy which invites reduced stress, relaxation, and connecting with nature on your own terms. While connecting with nature with these two methods, you not only connect with nature, but also learn a bit about yourself.  We offer both of these at CEED, Center for Environmental Education and Discovery, so we invite you to try both, they are quite addicting.

Whether you experience nature yourself or decide to try out one of these two popular methods, I hope you are able to find a way to connect with nature and provide the opportunity to express gratitude for all our Earth provides.

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Educator in Training Leadership Program

Educator in Training Leadership Program

Educator in Training Leadership Program

Did your child love the experience at CEED’s Summer Nature Experience or other nature camps? Here is an opportunity for your 8th through 11th grader to take this experience to the next level.  CEED is launching an Educator in Training (EIT) Leadership program, where part of it is fun with friends, and the other part is putting together activities and experiences for our younger nature enthusiasts. The program is either a 2-week program at CEED and at Mama Farm, the organic farm next door, from August 2-August 13, 3-week program at Post Morrow Foundation from July 12- July 30, or register for all 5 weeks of leadership fun from July 12- August 13!

At Post Morrow CEED’s EITs will be team building, exploring, and learning, whether seining in the bay, studying the Beaverdam Creek ecosystem, or identifying trees on our nature trails for part of the time. They will also be leading CEED’s younger participants on hikes, performing science activities, and explorations of the marine environment and more. At Mama Farm and CEED, the EITs will be working with farming and livestock and also exploring nature in the Dennis Puleston Preserve and CEED grounds. When they are ready, the EITs will share their knowledge with the younger groups.

The sessions will run from 8:45-3:45 Monday through Friday and cost $300 per week (although participants must make the full 2-week or 3-week commitment.) All participants will receive an Educator in Training / Leadership certificate.  This is a great way to gain experience in leadership for future careers in science or education.

Also, don’t forget to register your younger children in the Summer Nature Experience! We only have a few openings left each week, so if you wait you will miss out!  For weeks one through three we will be at Post Morrow exploring the bay, the creek, and the woodlands.  Weeks four and five we will spend half of the day at the farm and the other half at CEED.  Every day is a new adventure!

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Reduce, REUSE, and Recycle with CEED

Reduce, REUSE, and Recycle with CEED

Reduce, REUSE, and Recycle with CEED

Do you love a good sale? Join us at CEED this Saturday from 10AM-4PM. We have accumulated loads of goodies and need to clean out before starting some of our renovation work. We have a variety of items including books, toys, collectibles, furniture, vintage items, lamps, dishware, and kitchenware. Be sure to take some time this Saturday to stop over to say hello and browse a bit. We hope to see you there!

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