Reserve seining field trips in Sept-Oct

Reserve seining field trips in Sept-Oct

Meet a Board Member – Tom Pelletier

Meet a Board Member – Tom Pelletier

Meet a Board Member – Tom Pelletier

This month of thankfulness would not be complete without a shoutout to one of our most involved and dedicated volunteers. Tom Pelletier is not only our Board Chair, he also co-chairs the Marketing, Building and Grounds, and Fund Development committees. He spends countless hours supervising building construction, repairing parts of the lodge, writing blogs and grants, working on the website, and guiding our fundraising.

 Tom has always been interested in nature and shares his fascination through the website ”Ask a Naturalist,” where curious naturalists can ask questions and Tom will find the answer if he does not already know it himself.  Learning about fascinating phenomena in nature is his life-long passion. His expertise in writing and biology has led him on a career path of writing for many non-profit organizations, including creating fundraising campaigns for over 250 organizations. Tom has also been an integral part of CEED’s funding, whether seeking from outside sources or funding projects himself.

If you have attended any of our festivals or events, you most likely ran into Tom.  He is involved in all levels of what we do and often brings his family and friends to share the exciting happenings at CEED. Tom has helped spearhead the efforts of repairing the roof on our historic second empire structure and has been instrumental in arranging the installation of our fire safety system, which just began this month.

And right now, Tom has agreed to match any gifts made to our Giving Tuesday campaign. And he wants you to take him up on it!

Both CEED and the surrounding community are thankful that Tom is involved.

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Puddle Jumpers 2024

Puddle Jumpers 2024

Start date: Saturday, September 21 2024. New for 2024!  We’ve extended our popular Wavemakers program to younger children. Our little ones might not be ready to ride the waves, but a puddle jumper can make quite a ripple to help create change. That’s why we’ve created...

24-Hour Survival Challenge: CEED

24-Hour Survival Challenge: CEED

Saturday, October 26, 2024 at 12 PM - Sunday at 12 PM Join Ranger Eric and Mike Evans from Forgotten Skillz for the final adventures on survival. An overnight stay to test all skills! This immersive experience is designed to put the skills you've honed in our Workshop...

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Meet a Board Member – Patrice Dlhopolsky

Meet a Board Member – Patrice Dlhopolsky

Meet a Board Member – Patrice Dlhopolsky

When she was newly married and needed a job to support her and her grad student husband, CEED Board Secretary Patrice Dlhopolsky took a job as a probation officer for the Suffolk County Probation Department. She thought she’d be there a couple of years. Before she retired 43 years later, she had become Director of the department, overseeing more than 400 employees.

Patrice’s original goal in retirement was to relax from the pressure of that high responsibility job and focus on being a grandma to her granddaughter and grandson on the way. During her time in the Probation Department, Patrice had seen a lot of the more difficult problems facing troubled individuals and our society. And she learned that in her own life, nature was a solace, a source of peace and perspective. In addition, she had always enjoyed gardening and found comfort being in the out of doors, and nurturing her own part of the earth.

Concerned about how little connection so many people have to nature, Patrice was perfectly primed for the day that she and her partner Bob stumbled upon a spring festival at CEED. Patrice put her name on a list as a potential volunteer and very quickly proved the same competence and value that resulted in her high-profile career. It wasn’t long before CEED co-founder Rebecca Muellers called to ask if Patrice would consider being on a newly reconstituted CEED Board in the spring of 2018.

As a grandmother, a citizen of earth, and someone who spent 43 years trying to help people who need healing, Patrice is committed to CEED’s mission of connecting people to nature.

“There is such joy in being outside,” Patrice says. “People need that. And we need to take care of this world. We don’t own this planet. We just inhabit it.”

At CEED, we’re honored to have Patrice as a critical member of our Board, our Executive Committee, and a co-chair of our Program Council and Events Committee.

Recent posts

Puddle Jumpers 2024

Puddle Jumpers 2024

Start date: Saturday, September 21 2024. New for 2024!  We’ve extended our popular Wavemakers program to younger children. Our little ones might not be ready to ride the waves, but a puddle jumper can make quite a ripple to help create change. That’s why we’ve created...

24-Hour Survival Challenge: CEED

24-Hour Survival Challenge: CEED

Saturday, October 26, 2024 at 12 PM - Sunday at 12 PM Join Ranger Eric and Mike Evans from Forgotten Skillz for the final adventures on survival. An overnight stay to test all skills! This immersive experience is designed to put the skills you've honed in our Workshop...

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Sally Moves to Full-Time Executive Director at CEED!

Sally Moves to Full-Time Executive Director at CEED!

Sally Moves to Full-Time Executive Director at CEED!

As Chair of the Board of Directors of CEED, I’m happy to announce that Sally Wellinger, our part-time Executive Director, will expand her role to full-time as of tomorrow, July 1.

In the spring of 2020, the Board planned to hire a full-time executive director to lead CEED in a new phase of program development and renovation of the Washington Lodge. Those plans were disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, but through the dedication and creativity of our staff, the Board, and our many wonderful volunteers, CEED weathered the storm, and we can now return to the original plan for a full-time professional executive director.

Sally has done a remarkable job in her first year with CEED, despite her part-time status, and the Board is excited to see progress in so many areas – from virtual programming for schools to expanded spring and summer in-person nature experiences for children. Her dedication to the mission and vision of CEED is amazing.

Please join me in congratulating Sally. And please continue to support her and CEED in whatever ways you can as we work to become a community resource for environmental education and nature discovery in our region. Thank you!

– Tom Pelletier, Board Chair

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CEED Board Member Recognized by EPA!

CEED Board Member Recognized by EPA!

CEED Board Member Recognized by EPA!

We’re so proud to announce that CEED Board member Veronica Morabito-Weeks was recognized with the Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Education on Earth Day, April 22, 2020. Veronica is an amazing fifth grade teacher who inspires her students to experience and love the natural world.  We’re honored to have her as a member of CEED’s Board of Directors.  Veronica also served as a volunteer counselor at our first Summer Nature Experience last year.

“Ms. Weeks” as she is known to her fifth-grade students in Hauppauge, is one of 10 teachers nationwide who received this prestigious award for employing innovative approaches to environmental education.  In its official press release, the Environmental Protection Agency, which administers the award in partnership with the White House Council on Environmental Quality, said of Veronica:

Veronica Morabito-Weeks utilizes her 26 years of teaching experience to create inclusive, rich experiences that meet the diverse needs of her students.  Her students gain firsthand experience interacting with nature by studying and caring for animals including axolotls, chinchillas, trout, Bobwhite quails, and horseshoe crabs.

The entire school community benefits from her environmental leadership.  Students benefit from Ms. Morabito-Weeks’ initiative in creating a butterfly garden, a native plant garden, and the Environmental Science Club.  Every year, Ms. Morabito-Weeks organizes multiple environmental education field trips for the entire fifth grade.  As a New York State Master Teacher and a Lead Teacher for her Teacher’s College Language Arts Program, she provides professional development for other educators and takes part in continued citizen science opportunities to bring new projects back to her school.

When she accepted the award, Veronica said, “I am absolutely thrilled to receive this award.  I am motivated every day by my students’ deep commitment to make positive change in the world.  I know that they are ready to be powerful stewards of the Earth, and I share this great honor with them.”

We are so lucky to have Veronica as part of the CEED family.  Congratulations on this well-deserved award!

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50th Earth Day Free Nature Books for Young Explorers

50th Earth Day Free Nature Books for Young Explorers

50th Earth Day Free Nature Books for Young Explorers

In our ongoing commemoration of the 50th Earth Day, we wanted to offer our friends two wonderful nature books to reach with children.  These books, written by friends of CEED Board members, are being offered free for young Nature Explorers. 

Click here for free download of a packet of bi-lingual books featuring The Adventures of Pili in New York (Las Aventuras de Pili en Nueva York), by Kike Calvo. Includes Pili’s adventures, and an activity book and coloring book about birds of Columbia. 

Click here for free download of Albatross of Kaua’i, The Story of Kaloakulua, a wonderful story by Susan Dierker about an albatross chick in Hawaii. 

The Adventures of Pili in New York (Las Aventuras de Pili en Nueva York) includes a foreword from our friend, Long Island based author, Carl Safina:

“A little girl travels the world. Her Dad is a photographer. So though she is small – her life is big, encompassing everything from New York City to Colombia’s wild rainforest. 

“By observing and listening, by thinking and by feeling – and probably because she has inherited a bit of her father’s special ability to really see things – little Pili comes to care about nature, about people who speak other languages, and about peace.

“Pili imagines a peaceful place in the world for children. Her plan: it will be a forest reserve, and it will be in Colombia. This is not an easy goal for a little girl to accomplish. But Pili is determined; somehow, she will get this done!

“Now, the thing is, this book isn’t too far from the real truth. Pili is a real girl, and her Dad is the author of this book. And the forest – they’re making progress.” 

“The children of the world – and little girls in particular – can use a few positive messages that will inspire them to aspire. This book has many messages, tucked into a sweet, beautifully illustrated near-to-life narrative like little folded love-notes.”  ~ Carl Safina, Author, Beyond Words: What Animals Think and Feel. Founder of The Safina Center

The author, Kike Calvo, is a Safina Center Fellow and National Geographic Explorer. Kike has been distributing hard copies of The Adventures of Pili in New York free to children in Latin America, Africa, and as far away as Mongolia. Now, in response to the current COVID-19 situation, he has made digital copies available to all. The download package also includes an activity book and a coloring book that will entertain young explorers while introducing them to the beautiful birds of Colombia. 

– Patricia Paladines
CEED Board Member

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